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Join FitNation - the new fitness congress about innovation

FitNation, the new premier event about innovation in the fitness industry, will kick-off in Amsterdam on 4 October.

Featuring speakers from all over the world, workshops roundtable discussions, success stories and networking opportunities. FitNation offers insight into the latest industry innovation.

Speakers include:

- Bonita Norris (UK), adventurer and motivational speaker, climbed Everest as the youngest woman ever.

- Bryan O'Rourke (USA), Technology expert, chairman of the Fitness Industry Technology Council.

- René Moos (NL), Entrepreneur, CEO Basic-Fit.

- John Nasta (UK), retention expert, former marketing director Xercise4Less.

- Hugo Braam (NL), digital customer journey expert, co-founder of Virtuagym.

- Henrik Gockel (DE), fitness entrepreneur of the year 2019, founder Prime Time Fitness.

- Hans Muench (DE), industry expert, advisory board Association of Fitness Studios, former director of IHRSA Europe.

Join your fellow entrepreneurs and be inspired at the brand new Postillion Convention Centre and discover the beautiful capital of the Netherlands.

For more information and tickets, visit

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